In case you’re wondering, R is working on some archaeological data which he is converting from one type to another type; it goes back decades, so he is spending most of the evening on the computer, which means that I fit in around him.  That’s why my recent posts have been shortish and sometimes late.  But I hogged the ‘puter for weeks earlier in the year, so now it’s his turn, and that’s only fair!

Well, I have my tests at the clinic on 3rd July, so I’ll know whether the fibroid has returned, or whether I’m clear.  The suspense is awful, when I think about it, but luckily work things are crowding in on me so I can push it to the back of my mind while wondering whether my delegates will ever give me the information I’ve been asking for, or whether the speakers are going to let me know their vehicle details so that the Uni can have their parking permits ready, or whether they will turn up at all!

I have to submit the lists of all the info to the Uni today – names, details, dietary requirements (nobody has replied, so I’m assuming that everyone eats everything), whether anyone has accommodation requirements (one asked me yesterday for a disabled room); I sent the letter asking all these things and more on 17th May, and here we are on 21st June!  People are also asking me about other things, which I wish they’d asked earlier.

Point to Note: if I ever organise anything like this again, the secret is to send out the information and ask the questions, as I have done, but then a week later Phone Everybody Up.  That is the only way in which I have received any feedback at all.  I had assumed that no feedback meant no questions/special requirements, but It Does Not!  People have even asked me things that I explained in the letter, and when I gasp in horror and apologise for them not having received it, they say "Oh Yes was that the letter with the maps?  I did get that".  But apparently not everybody had time to read it.

Learning Outcome – don’t assume; check everything, and then you’ll know!

I have to list who’s having what refreshments when, and I still have one speaker to confirm and to find another one to fill a half-hour slot.  Though maybe I’ll just shift everything up so that we can finish early.  Or maybe I’ll see whether the Uni has anyone who can talk about something that will be relevant to us, though I had that good idea last week but the service that they produced which would have been really interesting has now been discontinued.

I’ve had other brilliant ideas but nobody can/wants to talk to the Conference about it!  Now there’s some dispute about whether 12 of us should use the Lecture Theatre some of the time or have the "Breakout Room" all the time.  My head is spinning with it all!  And I still haven’t a clue what to buy the speakers.

And Diesel was in a funny mood last night – 4 times I had to get up to him in the night.  Just after midnight, half past two, half past four and quarter to six.  When I got up, he just ran onto the landing and rolled about on his back and waving his paws in his "tickle me" way, purring and rubbing his head on the stairpost, then running downstairs and asking me for a midnight snack……

About Linda Weeks

About my life with the daughter I thought I'd never have - but I did, thanks to a wonderful anonymous egg donor, to whom I will be forever grateful. xx
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