I was on my way home from work this afternoon and went into the Supermarket for a couple of things and then popped into the Ladies’ loo.  I heard a woman bring a little boy into the next cubicle.  Her conversation was peppered with “Don’t touch that!” “Don’t touch the toilet seat!” “No, leave that!” and, again, “No don’t touch that!”


I came out first, and they followed shortly after.  The boy, aged about 4, washed his hands and moved towards the dryer.  “No, don’t touch that!” she said, “Wipe your hands on Mummy’s jeans!”  and so he did.  Well, I hope that her jeans were germ-free, if it was germs that she was worried about…..!

About Linda Weeks

About my life with the daughter I thought I'd never have - but I did, thanks to a wonderful anonymous egg donor, to whom I will be forever grateful. xx
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1 Response to 298

  1. Cosmic says:

    That\’s just mad!  No wonder we have a growing problem with childhood allergies, parents just won\’t let their children come into contact with germs these days, so they have no opportunity to build up their immune system!  Rest assured my son is allowed to explore to his little heart\’s content, as long as he washes his hands before dinner, and after he\’s been to the loo.  Only two rules.
    Are you managing to stay relaxed?  I think there is a lot to be said for conquering fear.  Fear is needlessly destructive… two of my all time favourite books are \’Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway\’ and Janet Balaskas\’ \’Active Birth\’ which describes how much additional difficulty fear causes.  What I\’m trying to say is, stay positive.  You\’ve been so positive all the way through this, otherwise you would have given up long ago.  You just have to see it through now, and the last bit is the most important of all.  Be bold, be brave, trust your body because it is perfect just the way it is, despite the wait.  You can do this.
    Thinking of you.
    Lots of love to you and R xxx 

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